
We are ready to show you the future of Bionic technology. Our team works hard every day and it makes experimentation in order to achieve innovative solutions that return results ever seen to date. The aim of our research is to be able to make a Artificial Hand that can help those who unfortunately have lost one, giving them the ability to perform the basic actions of every day. We want to get what I described but at a price lower than the market today, we want our product to be appealing to as many people as possible. The passion about these technologies and the knowledge that our efforts...

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Bionic Hand Project

What you see is a project in which I am investing a lot of my resources. It is a product on which they work in just a few in the world, because it is very complex as regards mechanical and programming, I’m talking about of medical-robotic Bionic Hand. The goal is to get a hand at a cost much lower than those in commerce today, these cost about 20 thousand Euro. With the diffusion of 3D printers, low-cost microcontrollers and servos I think we can develop something new, that may finally bring down the costs. In the images you can see how the study of the project is well under way and...

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Project human hand

This project born to understand if is possible to simulate the motion of the human hand, with bones and tendons. I used experience to make this hand to deepen mechanics, programming and medical area. We want to develop this kind of product and improve it in next versions. To get what you see below I have worked with Mauro Alfieri for Arduino code and Partec for rapid...

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Robot Spherical

I submit you a great project that aims to revolutionize the design trasportation world. We have developed a prototype robot that moves with a never seen system. We were able finally to realize the movement of the spheres and the attached video shows you a preview of what it can do: this system allows it to move forward, backward, diagonally, sideways movement, the traditional rotation, rotation around its axis at the site. The project started recently and we already have in mind his successor that will see the light soon. It will be presented live at A-day in Rome, the day dedicated...

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